Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Day 1- Madrid

Just came back to the hostel after a pretty long first day in Madrid. After dropping my bags off here this morning, I walked about half a mile to Plaza Mayor, the historic "center" of Madrid. I've been pleasantly surprised at how easily walkable Madrid is, I was planning to take the metro from a stop near plaza mayor to meat Sean this afternoon, that's the directions he gave me because the metro stop was the closest landmark, but when i looked at the map it was only a little over a mile away so i decided to walk there too. I've noticed that most of the buildings here, at least in the section of Madrid that I walked through today are mixed use. Apartments, Condos or offices might occupy the top floors, but the ground floors are almost exclusively shops and restaurants, which makes walking much more enjoyable.

Before I left plaza mayor to meet Sean i tried to visit the Cathedral de St Isodoro, there I almost wandered into the catholic middle school that it houses before realizing that the part that was generally open to the public was closed for nap-time, apparently they take their naps pretty seriously here.

I finally met up with Sean at a Starbucks near the university (NW of plaza mayor) and from there we went to a bar/restaurant with several of his friends from the study abroad program. Apparently they had befriended the bartender here over the semester and they brought him a few small gifts. Unfortunately they all still have exams tomorrow, ever the procrastinator, Sean is currently writing a 7 page paper in Spanish or studying for one of the 2 exams he has tomorrow, so was alone again for the rest of the afternoon/evening.

After leaving them, I went on a tour of the Royal Palace (W of plaza mayor), which was okay, but would have been much better if had it cost less than 8 euro and if they had allowed me to use my camera in the palace. I missed out on another cathedral that faces the palace today, because it closed at 4:30. I did get to see the armory at the palace though, which was really cool because they had weapons and coats of armor that dated back to the 15th century.

From the palace walked back past plaza mayor, but this time i swung to the south of it just to see some different streets, I eventually would up over near two of the art museums (SW of plaza mayor), one of which was closed, but the second was free since it was after 6, so i took a quick walk through it, even though I'm not much of an art person.

I was pretty tired by the time I finished up at the art museum so I came back here to shower before going to dinner. I found a nice little restaurant just outside of plaza mayor where you could get a sandwich and a beer for 1 euro each, by far the cheapest i've seen either one here. i'm back at the hostel now obviously, i may go downstairs to the bar below the hostel for a few minutes when i finish writing this, but I'll probably turn in pretty early tonight since I haven't slept much at all the last two nights.


  1. Glad you are giving such details in the blog. It is great to know what you are up to. Also glad to see you expanding your horizons with the art museum and the palace. Get a good night's sleep and enjoy your exploring!!!!

  2. They probably won't all be this detailed, but the hostel I'm staying at in Madrid has free wifi and I didn't really have anything to do for a couple hours last night. I'm going to try to keep it pretty up to date though

  3. Good morning from Charlotte. Sarah just left for her 3rd AP exam. It must be early afternoon there. Hope Sean's paper and tests went well and you got to catch up on your sleep. Have a great day! Love, Mom

  4. Hope you are enjoying your travels! I'm glad this blog worked out for you. I am very jealous and going to live vicariously through these posts :)

  5. I am not sure that you are allowed to be jealous since you are already way more well travelled than i am. Thanks for telling me about this site though, so far it has worked great

  6. y'know, Steve, I'd say I wish I'd gone with you but Summer School is just that effin' awesome!
    Ok, that last bit was a lie.
