Thursday, May 14, 2009

Day 2- Madrid

My second day in Madrid was a lot of fune, even though I didn´t get to see too many sites. I tried to go to a monastery and the Spanish Senate yesterday morning, but unfortunately both were closed. I found a small bar near the Senate that had a ¨Cana y Tapas¨ special, for 1 euro you got a small plate of tapas and a sampler sized beer. The first tapas i got was a piece of fried ham (never seen that before) on a slice of bagguette and the second was a slice of ham and a slice of tomato on a piece of bread.

From the bar i went up to ¨Temple de Debod¨ which is, randomly enough, an 2200 year old Egyptian temple that was gfted to Spain in 1968 and transported to Madrid piece by piece. It was a really cool place to visit and walk around, they had exhibits set up inside the temple describing different aspects of it. After leaving the temple I only had about an hour before I was supposed to meet Sean, so i wandered down a nearby street and through a public park before heading towards him.

I got to the Starbucks where we met yesterday and he called me to come meet him at his university, because apparently they have dorm bars there, somebody needs to bring this concept to the US. I listened to most of the directions he gave me until i pulled out my map with a university labelled on it. So i follow my map & call him when i get close to the university on the map, unfortunately that was not his university, so wjhen i called him again, i had to back track about ten minutes to get to the right place.

After meeting up, we went to a small grocery store with some of his friends to buy drinks and snacks to take to the park, where we spent the rest of the afternoon. Later on I came back to the hostel to grab a quick shower and ate dinner nearby, before meeting up with Sean and several friends to emjoy their last night out in Madrid.

We´re hopefully getting on an overnight bus to the south of Spain tonight, where we´ll take a ferry across the straight of gibralter into morocco, where we´ll spend the next five days. We´ll be back in Madrid next Tuesday for one night and then we´ll fly to Rom very early next Wednesday.

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