Thursday, May 21, 2009

Day 8 & 9- Back to Madrid and on to Rome (eventually)

I think I mentioned in my last post that since our flight to Rome left at 7 am, we weren't planning to rent a hostel in Madrid Tuesday night. Unfortunately that plan came back to bite us a little bit. We got into Madrid around 5 or 6, stopped off at Kaitlin's apartment/hotel to store our bags for the evening, then went out to grab a snack, store some of our Moroccan souvenirs in Sean's bus locker and meet back with a few people for dinner at 9.

After dinner the plan was just to bar hop until 3:30 or 4, then catch a cab to the airport. Unfortunately Sean wasn't feeling too well, so we went back to crash at Kaitlin's apartment for a couple hours, setting an alarm on Sean's phone, so that we could get up in time to head to the airport. That phone, however, seemed to think that we were still on Moroccan time (2 hours behind Madrid), so when we got to the airport at "5:30 am" it was actually 7:30 and we had just missed our flight to Rome. Luckily AirEuropa was nice enough to refund that ticket and give us a new one on a later flight for about 30 euro more.

So we napped in the Madrid airport for a while, before eventually getting on a plane to Rome. From the Rome airport we took at train to within a km of our hotel, which is by far the nicest we've stayed in so far. After checking in we showered and went out to dinner, but it was too late to really do much else. This morning we are planning to head to the Vatican and then we can hopefully get to the Colosseum and the Forum this afternoon. Hopefully, I can elaborate on those sites this evening.


  1. Omg! Yall missed your flight??? I had no idea!

  2. Yeah it was pretty unfortunate. Neither of us even thought about the time change until we walked outside at what was supposedly 4:45, and i said "man it gets bright awfully early here..."
