Sunday, May 17, 2009

Day 5 & 6- Tangier & Marrakesh

Since my last post which was, by the way, from an internet cafe that only charged 50 cents an hour to use their computers, we have toured the Kasbah and the Caves of Hercules in Tangier and taken an overnight train to Marrakesh.

The Kasbah was a really interesting historic fort that faced out on the water towards Spain. There were exhibits set up in each room to walk us through the history of the site from about 1200 BC through the present day. The caves of Hercules were a 30 minute cab ride outsidde of Tangier, but well worth the trip. The cave itself was only a few “rooms,” but it was right on the coast and Sean and Kaitlin were able to get some great pictures both in and outside the cave.

We got our cab driver to take us back to the place we'd left our luggage and then drop us off at the train station for our trip to Marrakesh. Our cabin on the train was a little tight, one set of bunks on each side with about 20 inches in between, but we had it to ourselves and bunk beds certainly beat the heck out of the bus seats we slept in two nights before.

We arrived in Marrakesh about 8:00 this morning (in Morocco we are only 4 hours ahead of EST by the way) and came straight to our hostel. Our hostel here is much nicer than the hotel in Tangier and the staff is excellent. Our host, lives in the hostel full time and greeted us upon our arrival with tea and map of Marrakesh. He showed us were the hostel was on the map and circled several spots that he recommended we visit. He also booked a day trip for us tomorrow during which we will leave the city to see the mountains, have an authentic Moroccan breakfast and lunch, and ride a camel.

As soon as we all make it through the shower we're going to venture out to find some lunch, visit a few of the historic sites, and make our way through the market. We're planning to be back t the hostel by 8 so that we can learn to make Tagine, a traditional Moroccan dish with chicken, vegetables, and kouskous (Mom i know you'll be proud). Then we'll eat and probably spend the rest of the night hanging out here on our rooftop terrace.

1 comment:

  1. Cous-Cous!!??--Steven we are proud of your new adventurous spirit!!! Aunt Tracy e-mailed Dad today and said she got your thank you note. She too is enjoying your blog. It is Sunday here--Sr. Sunday at FHC--David had a great sermon on Daniel. The grandparents are all coming to dinner tonight--I will print out all your blogs so far to give to G'ma & G'pa. Glad the trip is going well. Be safe and keep up all the blogs!!! Love, Mom & Dad
